Beauty Services
for Guinea Pigs
Its very important for any guinea pig be in good and healthy
condition, so if you have pet(s) a guinea pig(s) - you must
make sure your little friend every day is having good food,
clean cage, selection of a vegetables, hay and very
to keep a guinea pig's body clean and healthy - not too long
claws, clean ears, clean greasy glands, ets…
We offer owners of guinea pigs this kind of services, which
will keep your pet(s) in fabulous condition.
We can't let you know how often you should bring your
guinea pigs(s) to us for these kind of treatments, as each
one is deferent and have deferent needs but as soon as we see your pet - we will advise you.
Claws cut
Guinea pig's claws must be cut regularly, as this is
very important for guinea pig's health.
If your pet(s) have claws too long, they will curl and will
effect the guinea pig”s walk and give the pet a lot of
pain and even can deform there little fingers and paws
It's very important keep a guinea pi(s) as clean as
possible. Guinea pig's hair can become soaked with
urine and badly effect there skin, which will be ideal for
flies and mites, this can result in total condition called
Fly strike!!!
You as the owner, must make sure that your pet is
protected from getting this nasty and painful condition,
so if your pet gets smelly - needs a bath before it's too
For bathing guinea pigs we are using the very best
shampoo suitable for guinea pigs
“Gorgeous Guinea Pig”
This shampoo has very special ingredients which
provide for guinea pigs skin best care.
As this shampoo is not suitable for guinea pigs eyes
we are using “Jonson Baby” shampoo just for the
guinea pigs face.
After the bath, guinea pigs usually have a treat and go fast
asleep rapped up in a clean and warm towels.
Bath - £10
Bath including grease glands cleaning - £15
Claws cut - £10
Ear wax removing - £4
Hair cut - £5 - £15
Hair grooming - £5 -£15
Prices could be deferent for hair treatments
depending on the condition and problems